Friday, July 10, 2009

Day 9 & 10 - Contrast of 2 days

Day 9 vs Day 10,
Yesterday vs Today,
Woke up early vs Woke up late
Brilliant morning exercise vs No morning exercise
Prep food in good pace vs Rushing to prep food
Took my time to get to work vs Rushing to work in taxi
Finished my meals in allocated timings vs Finishing my meals in weird timings (lunch at 330pm??)
Chill out evening with friends vs Get home to do exercise
Slept late vs [yet to be determined]
Never blog vs Blogging now

Similar activities, different outcomes.


On food -
I am surprised that yesterday and today, I could finish all the food that I had prepared, without feeling stuffed! Ironically, I feel hungry about 2-3 hours after finishing a meal! One thing for sure, post eating, I do not feel the urge to eat other stuff. In the past, I have this habit of binging - be in on chips or cookie - after a meal, I would still want to reach out for something else. Now, the voluminous meal is able to curb my binging crave :)

Had been eating the same stuff for the past 3 days! It's been cereal, bread, cheese, eggs, vege (celery, corn, cabbage, alfrafa), fruits (apples, strawberries). Pro: Effortless preparation, as I know exactly what I am preparing and cutting/weighing, so prep time is shortened. Con: I think I will get really sick of the "standard meal" soon!! Time to look for receipes! Calling all PCPers, if any one has a vegetarian receipe for your meals, pray share :D

On exercise -
The post effect of the exercises are felt today - I am achy when I woke up this morning. I really like the idea of a progressive and alternating exercise program cos doing it is really more energising and motivating.

On morale -
Holding strong :) My desire is clearer and my faith is stronger!


  1. Heh heh, amazing isn't it, how you can eat so much and still be hungry in a few hours. Take the good days with the bad, it's all part of the plan. We know no one is going to have 90 perfect days in a row. That's just not how life goes.

  2. Way to stick with it, Pey. This weekend I hope to scour my usual recipe web sites and find some recipes that fit or can be modified to fit the PCP coz I get really bored in food ruts. I'll share what I will find!
