Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Day 7 - Skip to my lou

It's Day 7!! ONE WEEK! Woot!

Went all over town to do my last minute shopping on the needed gear - got my push-up bars, resistant band (you're so hard to find), weighing scale, vege and fruits! Interestingly, I was stumped by the choices (or lack of them) when I did my rounds in the supermart. I did not know what to buy! It's so common for me to eat out or pack back meals that the idea of daily cooking has since been forgotten (cept for days of instant noodles).

Anyways. Good! Time to sharpen my culinary skills and be more mindful about what goes into my food.

So I consciously grabbed the "good" stuff and zipped past the aisle of potato chips (I am NOT gonna miss you!!). Bought cabbage, celery, corn and alfafa in prep for some cold salad; tofu and soba for hot meals; yogurt, cereal and fruits for breakfast etc.

All set for week 2 :)


Just did my skipping - split it into 100-150-150-100. Yeah, 500!


  1. oooh i like how you split them up. I did five sets of 100, which seemed to drag on and on and on. I'll try this next time.

  2. I have yet to do my jumps today, but knowing how it's been for me thus far, it's going to be 20 sets of 25. ;-)
