The thought that ran through my head was - what will be the physical affirmation of my ultimate fitness? I never had flat abs / six packs in my life to date (not the body builder kind, but the really fit and taut sort), so I decided that since that's what I would like to have at least once in my life time, it's time to take action and just get it off the checklist.
That's when I started to google : sports female abs.
And that was how I came to know of Dara Torres (first on the list in google image!)

I read up more on DT and that's when I decided that she will be my inspiration to my physical health, and also a figure to remind me to persist with great determination and to set the bar higher and higher for myself to be the best I can be.
As I proceed with the PCP, I realised that this is not just a journey to a physique goal, but one that requires much discipline and perseverance that will impact me physically, mentally and emotionally.
Onwards to 30 and more!
She is one hot mama. Good choice!