Monday, July 6, 2009

Day 6 - Cycle repeats

Been doing my exercises late at night. The after effect - I sleep later as my mind is so alert after the exercise!

Dichotomy. I aspire to wake up earlier in the day to exercise. Yet, not being able to rest earlier made it difficult to wake up earlier to do my exercise, resulting in me completing the exercise only in the late evening. Vicious cycle.

This loop needs to be reprogrammed as part of the PCP. Rest early, wake up early. As the proverb goes: The early bird gets the worm!

Ganbatte PCPers!


  1. Hi Pey! I'm not a morning person at all, but I think after a few tired days of morning exercise, you start to even out, shifting your energy to the a.m. hours and wanting to get to bed a little earlier in the evening. I can now rise before 7a.m. to get in a good PCP workout without interruption, and by night I am ready to rest. good luck, stay strong!

  2. How about a fresh start on Day 8, the first day of your new diet and the real exercises?
