Monday, July 20, 2009

Day 20 - Vegetarian Recipes Wanted!

I decided to get stay up and cook up a new carb for my meal tomorrow. It's time to move away from the bread/tortillas for a while. Experimented with a mixture of wholemeal & vege pasta with a dash of sesame oil, balsamic vinegar and soya sauce. Looks promising!

Let's hope that the dish turn out to be edible tomorrow. Had put the "experimental subject" into the fridge and gonna warm it up before packing it off for lunch!


Appealing for "packable", "edible", "appetizing" and "easy to cook" recipes! Anyone with brilliant ideas, please please please leave a note!


  1. Pesto.
    Pesto makes pretty much any carb that much more appetizing. Put it on pasta, put it on rice, put it on potatoes. As easy as it gets, and super tasty.
    Super easy to make your own, too - just get a bunch of basil, some pine nuts (or walnuts if you cant find pignolas), and a pinch of salt (also can add garlic if you like), whiz those up in the food processor, then add olive oil til it's moist. Takes a grand total of less than 5 minutes, and if keeps in the fridge for at least a week or two.

  2. Try this one; i hope to try it soon myself!
    Polenta-Stuffed Peppers: is one of my fave sites for easy food recipes. also try if you are feeling adventurous.
