Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 14 & 15 - New exercise grounds

Had been doing my exercises at my place for the past 2 weeks. Yesterday and today, I decided to venture into new territories for my exercises (so that I can start those pull ups!) around my neighbourhood.

I packed up my gear (skipping rope, push up bars, resistant bands) into this shoe bag so that I can bring it to wherever for my daily work out :)

Did my routine in the late night just now about 11+pm. In the gentle night breeze, under the sky, it was nice to just lie there after 4 sets of sit-ups (yeah, end of the routine!) and enjoy the quiet time with me, myself and I. A great joy to have just a little tranquility to end off the day :)

This PCP is starting to build into my life.


  1. just when I think I like a.m. workouts better, i have a nice p.m. workout. I think I just like switching it up. I have found that working out during the morning one day and then the evening the next makes it feel like I had a day off, even when I didn't ;)

  2. Outdoor workouts are the best. (When the weather's cooperating)
