Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Day 1 - A Fresh Start!

My PCP starts today! Somehow, I felt butterflies in my stomach as I woke up in the morning to take a photo for Day 1.

I had never experienced peak condition through good exercise and diet. It had always been either one or the other, never together, and never sustainable. As I am reaching my big 3, I made a commitment to myself that something has to change. Einstein once said "To do the same thing over and over again, and expect a different result - that's insanity." I knew that if I want a positive sustainable change, I got to do something different. Stumbling upon Patrick's Peak Condition website is probably the ignition to this desire to experience my peak condition.

Joining PCP is a step out of my comfort zone - 1) to be public about this commitment and 2) to engage an "outside in" discipline-approach to my goal of a lifetime of wellness. Health has always been a key note in my life, yet I failed to be sustainable with my attempt to upkeep it. Sometimes, it's just easy to find a rational excuse to let myself off the hook - too busy, no time, just a little treat *open a pack of chips* etc.

I am all geared up to building a set of good habits that empowers me to attain a sustainable wellness!

* * *

Just finished my exercise for the day and guess what, I am actually looking forward to do my exercise task tomorrow!

This is gonna be fun :)


  1. Being out of one's comfort zone definately requires time to feel acclimated!

    You will do awesome.

  2. I totally agree about the "getting out of the comfort zone" piece. If someone had told me a year ago that I was going to post a shirtless picture of myself to the internet every week, I would have told them they were out of their mind. How times change. ;-)
