Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Day 8 - Stuffed Pangs vs Hunger Pangs

"Diet" is usually, ok mostly, associated with "eat less". For the first time in my life, I am on a "diet" that requires me to eat more (ok, total understatement), rather, much much much more!! After weighing just my breakfast, I felt like I am eating for the WHOLE day! Too stuffed. I need to eat almost half the box of cereal to make up for the carbs of one meal. *disbelief*

This is one of the best diet plan - I will never go hungry! Prolly by the time I am done with the PCP, I might be glad to stay away from food!

Anyhows, the step increase in the exercise regime is taking effect on me. Feeling the immediate aching. Finally, "reacquainted" with the muscles that I never knew existed! :)


  1. I was stuffed, too, after breakfast. And that was just the cereal and milk! I gave myself an hour to dive into the protein and veg part. Still stuffed and time for fruit snack and soon lunch? oh dear.

    we should share our meal ideas, as I can imagine me eating the same thing over and over and over again and getting bored quickly. What did you eat? I'll share mine when I blog tonight ;)

  2. You'll find pretty quickly it's not too wise to use cereal for all of your morning carbs. It'll make you too full. Try half from cereal half from bread.

  3. You will be ripped pretty soon! Well, a few weeks...
