Thursday, July 2, 2009

Day 2 - Morning Perk

A tad late on this post, but the after effect of the morning exercise sure last till now! I am still feeling energised (and a little achy) from this morning's regime. Reminds me how great it is to begin the morning with a dose of adrenaline from the cardio workout.

Feeling a bit hungry from the "half a portion" scheme. Sleep should cure the hungry bug!

A liner from the book I am reading sets me thinking today: "You are never given a wish without given the power to make it true. You may have to work for it, however".

Quite apt for the PCP I am embarking on now eh?

Onwards to the 3rd day my fellow PCPers! Rock onnn :)

1 comment:

  1. Go Pey go! Thanks for sharing that quote. ;)

    Even though I am a night person, morning workouts are the best and most likely to be completed!
