Friday, July 3, 2009

Day 3 - Personal leadership

It's Day 3! No morning workout today cos I thought I was late for a meeting. Turned out that I was one of the earliest as I got in ONE hour earlier! Silly me. Could have squeezed my work out before I left my place. Oh well, saved the work out for a cool night and it turned out to be pretty delightful too. Just done with it so I guess everything has its own merits, just need to recognize and acknowledge them.

Anyways, I thought I will not just blog on my physical progress. I believe that this physical change will eventually spill onto other areas. So, this blog will also be an avenue to record and share my reflections on the mental / emotional goings during this period.


There was a discussion on Personal Values today with some of my peers. I had done an exercise a few months back, to sit, think and articulate my core values - what are the values that guides my decisions, that empowers me or what I would like to develop in me. I am a biggie on self-discovery and I believed that values at the end of the day are not just goals, rather, they are beacons that help drive me forward, to be the best I can.

Thus, my endeavor to revisit my beacons today and it dawned on me to add "personal leadership" to my list. Truly, there's tremendous power in knowing that I have the every right to make a choice in every decisions/situations placed upon me. Instead of relinquishing my power, I have the response-ability to choose what's best for or aligned within me.

This is where "personal leadership" can guide me in resisting that yummy double chocolate chip cookie beckoning at me now.

Onwards to Day 4 :)


  1. That's right, so many people go through the day with a victim mentality. "I was doing so well and then that lady offered me chocolate cake and what choice did I have?" You always have a choice, even if it's just how you react to situations you are forced into.

  2. Way to go Pey! I agree: I tell people that while gyms and exercise programs like this mya cost money or good-for-you food may cost more, I think of it as an investment in my self, my BEST self.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Well said Melanie! I ditto that - the investment in our health now goes a long long way. I would rather spend now on my health than pay for it later in medication/health care in the future! :)
