Sunday, July 12, 2009

Day 11 vs 12

All goes well on the meals for both days, been getting used to weighing out my portions and preping the food gets more systemic and easy!

Missed my exercised on Day 11 but double it up on Day 12 morning and late evening. Guess I got to put in more thoughtful planning into my schedule. Sometimes, I am just too optimistic, thinking that the hour slot after I wake up will be just nice to complete my exercise - well, all's well till I wake up an hour late, jumping off bed to head off to work (with a scheduled packed till late night), making it hardly possible to squeeze in the day's task at wee hours in the morning.

Double up is not the solution, proper planning AND waking up promptly is.

Gonna sleep now and be prep to wake up for Day 13's exercise!

* I really enjoy the morning freshness when I do my exercise in the day. Got a contrast of morning and night exercise today and it's definitely more refreshing to start the day with a "oiled" body :)

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