Sunday, July 26, 2009

Day 26 - Duck Walking

My thighs are BURNING!!!!!

Man, the creeps are killing me! It was ages since I had done them (it's called "duck walk").

Sheessssh, felt like I was back in my teens, duckwalking along the corridors in school from one check point to another (yes, a physical activity that I engaged in my girl-guiding days). And nope, not just d-walking, we got to cheer/shout/sing (in sync mind you) as we embark on our "duckwalk" to demonstrate our team spirit (yes, we get extra points for that!).

I didn't know what kept me going those days, gritting our teeth as we compete with other teams to finish first. One thing for sure, what kept me going then, had kept me going this evening. Maybe it's determination, maybe it's pride. Maybe, it's the sense of accomplishment.

Whatever the case, I am glad that I completed the task today (and yeah! doubled up!) :)


  1. No kidding. I realized that I could only "creep" 12 steps through my living room and dining room before having to turn around, and thought "this is ridiculous. I need to do this outside". But by the time I got to my exercises, it was too hot to do them outside (for me anyway), so I will try it again later tonight after it cools down.

  2. I was creeping to and fro at the top of my driveway tonight.(20 each way, so 2X is one set, hoorah! i love easy math). My neighbors, if any saw me, must think I'm crazy. Which is probable.
