Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Day 21 - Having vs Experience

Today, I revisited my goal for PCP and it reaffirms the reason behind my decision to join the PCP. It's really not solely on having a six-packs, rather, it is the experience of having the six-packs.

Some people around me who are aware of my fitness program could not understand why I would even bother so much to get to ribbed abs. It's considered frivolous and just superficial. And I admit, along the way, I kind of soak in this perspective and find it harder to persist.

On revisiting my aim today, I recollect that it's about going through this whole journey to develop a discipline and experiencing the desired physical well being! It's like, why do you pursue so hard to get your dream car? Sometimes, it's not about owning the car, rather, to have the choice to experience how it is like to be driving it.

With this, I am ever more determined to persist. At the end of the day, to succeed, it takes 3D desire+discipline+dogged work. Add a dash of fun/humor and it's gonna be all good :)



  1. I know exactly what you mean. Why get a six pack? Because it's fun and something you haven't done before! What other reason do you need!?

  2. hahaha yes! I'd be lying if the Six-pack wasn't the most desireable thing of this project.

    lol I feel terrible because my arms have gotten bigger, I have more energy, I feel more stable, but who cares, god dammit?! I don't have a six pack yet.
