Saturday, August 1, 2009

Day 30:31:32

Day 30:
Pro-te-in shopping! I was overwhelmed by the variety of protein powders available in the stores! And gosh, they are HUGE!! Mega! I was lucky to have the 2-for-1 deal on the powders and got myself 2 bottles (well, 2 HUGE jars to be precise). History was made.

Proud owner of Whey Powder: Extreme Milk Chocolate and Double Rich Chocolate. No price for guessing who's the chocolate lover.

I was pretty concern on the mixing of the powder (hearsay that it's difficult to dissolve these protein mix) and was intrigued by a simple yet smart innovation of a whisk ball in a shaker!

Being a sucker for such "eureka" design, I bought one of those shaker. *blush*

Day 31:
Protein powder taste funny. Really weird. Probably I didn't shake it with milk. The aftertaste is synthetic. Not a huge fan of it. It's funny to see my peers exclaimed in disbelief when they saw me downing the blend two times in a day. They must have thought that I am mad and probably on my way to be the next . . .



I just want to be really fit. Not B(poof)uff.

Day 32:
8 min abs is pretty funny! I followed it once but dear dear, my neck is strained. Not much feel on the abs! Got to refine the way I am doing it.....right, gang? *snigger*


  1. Ha ha, 8 min abs always hurts your neck at first, try it a few more times, it really works.

    I hear from ladies all the time who say, "I don't want to look like one of those bodybuilders!"

    To get in that kind of shape takes years and years of specialized training. Just drinking some supplementary protein won't do that to you.

    The whisk ball is pretty cool. Never seen that before. That is a lot of protein you bought. Will probably last you a year!

  2. Did 8 min abs for a while a few years ago, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't help smiling when he told me too. It was always like "i'm listening to what a recording from 15 years ago is telling me to do!" also, I want a purple and black striped old-timey wrestling outfit like that.

  3. Laugh all you want that 8 min abs will carve you up. For those of you wanting that extra definition in the abs area as you PCP I highly recommend it.
