Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day 57 - Jump Trance

The timed jumps sent me into a trance these days. I am just breathing, focusing on every jump, doing my best not to get annoyed with any hicks and trips - just continuous jump, hop, skip. The tapping sound when the rope hits the ground coincides with my breathe and heartbeat. Indeed, jump trance. Till of course, the alarm goes off on the 4th minute.

Upon reflecting on the jumps, I saw a correlation with my life pace these weeks. My days just zipped by and I was just so caught up in the passing activities and getting myself physically and mentally challenged that, upon stepping back now, I actually have little clue what I had done.

That's scary.

Then again, probably like the jumps, when I am in the moment, focusing on every skip, I had made subtle changes to my body which I had not given credit to. When the alarm sounded and all ceased, I should be glad that it had passed, and each hop/skip/jump had made a mark somewhere. So I guess, the activities that had passed and been experienced in the past weeks may not have effects that were apparent then and now, but they had shaped me somehow along the way.


  1. Lookin' good Pey you'll be surprised at the changes next time you check after a few weeks of trancing the workouts.

  2. i totally know what you mean. i'm struggling with fatigue during the timed jumps. I often trip after a mere minute and a half of jumping. But like a good little zombie, I get back to it.
