Thursday, August 27, 2009

Day 58 - Pushing through Push Up and Curious Case of Couscous

Finally!!! I managed to push through 4sets of push ups without a single push up with my knees on the floor! Woot woot!!

My first attempt on cooking couscous after 2 months of bread/pasta/wraps. After scalding my broccoli, I added some miso paste to the water (yap, rich with dissolved minerals that had sneakily seeped out of my broccoli), and poured the couscous into the miso stock. Not a very successful attempt as the couscous looks a bit - uhm - sticky/damp. Think there's too much water *shrugs*.

However, the taste was great! I am going to test it out again till I get the water-to-couscous proportion right!

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