Sunday, August 9, 2009

Day 39 & 40 - Morning Affairs

It been consecutive 3 days of working out in the morning. Brilliance! Gonna keep it going.
The new paradigm of splitting the workout into two segments works wonders! Today, I had only some time to spare before heading for a class. So, I decided to just do my jumps and the 8-min abs workout. This freed up sufficient time to have a proper breakfast instead of rushing off (if I had done the full regime). Coming back in the evening, I just had to complete my strength training.

Now, this is a brilliant split to help bridge my sleeping habit and early waking! I can now wake up a little earlier (instead of much earlier) to do my jumps and slowly, adjust on my waking habit to fit in the rest of the exercises in time to come! *beams*

Aside, the jumps are great endorphin dose to kick start the day :D


  1. Am thinking of making the switch to a split workout myself! awesome to hear your results.

  2. This style will absolutely work. Great job Peyday!
