Friday, August 14, 2009

Day 45 - 1/2 way mark

I will take some time to commemorate this special moment in time - the 1/2 way mark to completion of PCP!!

It's quite a feat to know that I had successfully crossed the half-way mark of due diligence in preparing my meals, exercising and blogging consistently! Somehow, it felt like I had been doing this for ages. Anyhow, it feels really refreshing to know that at best, I had been keeping well to my commitment in this endeavor :D

I am sure the next half of the journey will be a more challenging yet rewarding one. Brace on my fellow PCPers! We are in this, together. *ROAR*

1 comment:

  1. WELL DONE....That is really impressive and I am sure you will keep up the great work beyond your 90 days...
