Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day 44 - Tangible results

Today, as I took my weekly photo, I was pretty disheartened to notice the little change over the last 2 weeks. I guess I look forward to tangible results especially after the hard work put in. I caught myself in the thought. Probably I am too impatient, possibly I am just too driven by the visual results.

Took a step back and thought about the intangible delights of embarking on this programme and upon reflection, there were pretty much a whole new positive habits formed on my diet, my fitness/energy level and my capacity to persist.

Sometimes, it's a challenge to focus on the intangible benefits. However, I reckon that it is vital to remind myself of these short term motivation/inspiration to move further. Maybe it's like the seedling just beneath the surface about to spring out. Just a little more push. All will blossom.


  1. You're right to focus in the intangible benefits, but take comfort in the small tangible victories too. Your shoulders and abs have a lot more definition, and your neck line is becoming more elegant. Part of the problem is the pose and lighting you've chosen don't show off your changes much. Anytime you directly face the camera with a light in front of you your body will become flattened out and wide, no matter how "slim" you've become.

    Also, a lot of the changes are happening below the fat layer, as that fat layer gets thinner the results of your efforts, will, as you say, "blossom"

    Keep going!

  2. I. too, was a little frustrated at the lack of results in just a couple of weeks, but that's just it. It's only been a couple of weeks. You have to keep at it, show your body you mean business on the PCP, and this exercise your doing isn't just some fleeting fancy. Then, your body will start transforming. If you doubt me, check out my photostream.

  3. Heh, now that i think about it I had very little change between week six and week eight. Then, I had a big change at week nine. Sometimes our body just holds on to our old selves as long as it can until it finally realizes we no longer need or want our old body styles anymore. We must be patient sculpters indeed.

  4. Hey Patrick and Sean, thanks for your encouragement! I will definitely work hard to see PCP through :D

