Monday, August 3, 2009

Day 33 till 34 - Sleep

I had been letting myself go on the blog, and had not been updating daily...tsk tsk.

These days, I am feeling rather lethargic, probably due to the lack of proper sleep. Been sleeping at wee hours like 2, 3am. Total flip of my unusual prompt discipline on my meals / exercise. The swing on the latter had been pretty smooth but am still struggling with resting early or waking up earlier for my exercises.

Sleep is my focus in this month. Apparently, I fare rather poorly on this sheep-dash test.

Any tips to waking up earlier PCPers?

1 comment:

  1. i'm at a point in my life where I need about 7 hours of sleep to function. I use to live on much, much less. If you want to try to wake up earlier, say 630a?, you might have a few tired days but oh how much better will you sleep! You need to shift your activities to the a.m., and after a few days it won't be so bad (right?) Helps me, too, to know I have a great sunrise to see as I PCP.
