Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Day 50 - Wicked

Wicked wicked. The new set of exercise regime can kill! 5 sets!!! My shoulders nearly dropped off when I pushed through the last set of davinci. I could cry (yes Mel, you're not the only one!).

It's wicked. And guess what? This too shall pass - now, seated in front of my computer happily typing away, I could hardly recall the vein-popping instant as I willed my jello shoulders through the last shoulder fly.

The moment will pass. Grit my teeth and push through it. Shortly after, it'll be a forgotten pain and hello sweet burn.

* * *

In response to Mel's question on timed jump, my preference is for timed jump for now as I can just focus on jumping instead of counting. I set the alarm for 2 min and just jump away till it rang. I managed to jump faster too! Will observed the change as we work through 2min to 3 min etc. Update again!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, muscle pain is just a feeling! Just like other feelings you can work with it and embrace it.
