Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day 36, 37 - Doubleup

I never did learn the lesson of how a "just 5 min nap" can totally ruin the plans ahead. Yesterday, after getting home late and changed into my exercise gear, my mind just willed my body to "take 5 min nap" before I get outside to start my exercise. 5 min became 50min, and before I knew it, it was dawn!! This seemed to be a repeated matter for some time. Tsk. I am putting my head at how to minimize these as . . .

I need to double up my exercise in the morning and in the evening! Man, that's twice the hard work! Anyways, the pistol squats were killers! I felt my thighs BURN and turning jelly-like as I finished up my last set. Woooo and somehow, the exercises this week is really a big step change. I felt "strengthless" after the regime and my wobbly legs were screaming for support! Bicycle was tough too.

Two work outs in a day is not fun, uh-uh... but at least it cancels out the guilt.

1 comment:

  1. Good good and good. That strengthless feeling is the sign that you've really worked the muscles and are getting somewhere.

    Stop missing those workouts Pey! Doubling up is a bad way to go about things, and will wear you out quickly as the exercises really get going.

    Good luck!
