Sunday, August 23, 2009

Day 52, 53 (Fifty-trrreat), 54

Day 52 - Zonked out.
It's funny that when you get into the groove of a new habit and the routine gets disrupted, it's rather tough to adjust spontaneously. I get to go off earlier and by rational deduction, I would be able to get home earlier and do my regime. But uh-uh, I kind of felt "lost" and just willed away the time with other stuff till it's the usual timing of oh-it's-late-in-the-night-and-I-better-start-to-exercise.

I start to notice my eccentricity.

Day 53 - Indulgence.
I am a happy girl. Man, today, I went off with my friends to a local vegetarian restaurant for my FIRST meal out!!! Yes, in 53days, yours faithfully had been gorging her own creation of greens and carbs. It's ultra bliss.
My friends couldn't understand my delight as I savour every bit of my food. Well, it's a real treat. Something that I might had taken on a regular basis (it's common to eat out here) is now presented as an indulgent.

Ocean Bliss. Yeahhhhh.

And it comes with a fragrant plate of unpolished rice with long beans! And clear soup!!

To top it all up, a nice cold (non-alcoholic) wheat drink. *burp*

One word: Bliss :)

Day 54 - Back on track.
Today, didn't feel much "hang over" from the indulgence, but I do feel more achy than ever. The battle to wake up vs sleep in is a constant challenge I face these days. Reverted back to my evening exercising regime but bringing it an hour earlier so that I end the day before midnight. Going to make the changes of split workouts tomorrow on. Wish me luck :)


  1. Ha ha, you didn't feel much of an indulgence hangover because your indulgence was super healthy. If that's what makes you feel like you're eating something "naughty" you'll be in good shape for a long time!

  2. I did something similar for my first indulgence. My vegetarian buddy took me to a restaurant called "Eat More Greens" Everything was all natural, even the deserts. I never felt so energized as I did after that meal.
