Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day 35 - Questions are the Answers

It had not been a great day, started off rushing to prepare my meals and rushing off to work, followed by long day of lessons and ended off with a nagging feedback.

Just not one of those high rara days.

I mean humans are creatures of rationalization. Me included. So I started reflecting on my day as I did my skipping - about how and why this happened to me, why am I so bleah bleah bleah (bad bad negative thoughts). I started to rationalize what happened and became defensive about my actions. In my mind, I was accounting and defending for my responses, giving entitlement to my reaction on the day's situation.

Then the skipping cleared my mind. I began to feel different towards my thoughts/rationalization. Instead of being defensive, I began to feel grateful for what had happened. I acknowledge my lack and took the feedback as a pointer to grow. I begin to question the value I can add to others through this experience and plan for my action to demonstrate the new understanding. It was a liberating moment :)

Truly, questions are the answers. If I change the way I question my day, the process can be a wonderful tool that will lead to a positive growth.


  1. Exactly, this is the greatest benefit of exercise. It resets the balance of hormones in your body and tends to cancel mental feedback loops. I've never met a single person in a bad mood or frustrated after completing a workout. I've met plenty in that state before a workout.

    So, when you're feeling crappy, don't get into a mental conversation about whether/when you should start your workout, just plow through and do the thing. You'll come out the other side wondering why you were so frustrated before.

  2. Patrick is absolutely right. I've had some hell days after lessons and through the PCP, but I keep plugging away at it because the high after the workout makes you feel much better despite your troubles.
