Saturday, September 19, 2009

Day 78;79;80;81 - Sustainability

I know it's the last lap, and I am doing my best to keep up the intensity on my diet and exercises. It felt kind of weird when I said "10 more days to go!" when asked by my peers "how long more are you doing this?". It felt too fast and the next daunting questions from them would be "what are you going to do after this program?" "Are you going to continue this?" etc. I had the same thought - how am I going to make this sustainable? (Especially when I am faced with my favourite rice crackers and chocolates).

I must keep the faith - this journey had somewhat re-tuned my alertness on "bad" food and there is a need for continual awareness of what I am putting into myself. At least now, when I see fast food, the impulse to gorge the soggy fries had subsided. As for the exercise, I am really glad that it had been made portable and no-frills. Momentum is now needed to keep it going.

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