Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Day 76 + 77 = Pace up!

My neck's fixed! Woot woot! Went to a chinese physician for a session of acupressure treatment and it's back on track! Though it's just jumps today (I love Tuesdays!), I did the strength training section that I missed out on yesterday. Can't tell you how glad I am that my body is working as a whole again!

Sometimes, I just take the every micro movement I make for granted, like being able to turn my neck to see what's on my side or even walking effortlessly to point A to point B (something much appreciated when I sprain my ankle). Our ability to do just day to day stuff is often overlooked till something happens to remind us of it. It's pretty amazing how our bodies operates and function so seamlessly. Time to give thanks and I am so very glad I can pace up in the last 2 weeks of PCP with my neck fixed!


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