Sunday, September 13, 2009

Day 74 & 75 - Slow down

I just sprained my left neck-shoulder, or at least pulled it during the legs-ups yesterday. It hurt when I look down and I could not turn to look to the sides without turning my whole body. It felt like my neck was stuck!

Woke up this morning and my upper back and shoulder was froze up. Ironically, the pain went away when I worked out - guess getting my body "warmed-up" helped ease the tension. But alas! Once I'm done and my body cooled down, the naggy pain struck again.

Boy oh boy, how one appreciates the function of the body only when one gets hurt! At least now there's incentive to do my jumps - pain will go away!

1 comment:

  1. Yikes, take it easy, move through those reps with control!
